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+ Visionado Horizontal de Portafolios

Stig Marlon Weston (Cyan Studio Oslo, Noruega) - Simone Azzoni (Il Mecanicco, Italia) - Dale Rio (The Halide Project, Estados Unidos) - Marjolaine Vuarnesson (Studio Baxton, Bélgica) - Bryce Watanasoponwong (The Charoen AArt, Tailandia) - Nathalia Heim (FotoCreativaBA, Argentina) - Wendel Alves de Medeiros (Brasil) - Beenish Sarfaraz & Luluwa Lokhandwala (Pakistan)

A tener en cuenta: 

+ Para tomar talleres hay que ser participante del festival, regístrate aquí. 

HPR1 Horizontal Portfolio Review

The Horizontal Portfolio Reviews are meeting spaces between eight gallery owners, curators and facilitators from around the world with the participants and artists who participate in the workshop to improve their proposals so that they can be selected and exhibited internationally. Next summer, the focus will be on having a robust, interactive exchange of ideas where participants benefit not only by receiving feedback on their work but also by providing critical feedback for their peers. Participants will be asked to present a PDF portfolio to the group, and the group - in turn - will be challenged to think critically about their peers’ presentations, assessing the portfolio design, the presentation, and the work itself. Participants will also be asked to step into the role of curator by selecting the work of one of their peers and (anonymously) advocating for that work explaining what it was about the compelling work. On the tangible curatorial side, participants will have the opportunity to meet with facilitators and curators who represent galleries worldwide and will choose artists to exhibit internationally.

HPR2 Horizontal Portfolio Review

HPR3 Horizontal Portfolio Review

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Galleries and spaces of exhibitions

CYAN Studio

In 2020, CYAN opened a darkroom with its own gallery dedicated to showcasing works created by darkroom members. Here, we organize a new exhibition every month.The gallery presents various forms of photographic exhibitions. Over the years, it has displayed works from a wide range of photographers and artistic expressions, from classic handcrafted analog photography to experimental photographic installation art.

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Grenze Arsenali Fotografici (_ilmeccanico_sanvitale) • Fotos y vídeos de Instagram.png

Il Meccanico

The place preserves the soul of the mechanic as a space for mechanics, for productive relationships that generate others in a virtuous gear. The space will host projects that speak of experimental photography, contaminated with contemporary art in languages and research. A photograph that, in all respects, is in the paradigm of the contemporary.

The Halide Project

The Halide Project is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the continued practice and appreciation of film and historic process photography. Based in the Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia, The Halide Project serves the local and global photography communities through exhibitions, educational programming (both in-person and virtual), collaborations with other organizations, and – most recently – our new community darkroom, which has a gang B&W darkroom, film processing area, and a dim room for alternative/historic process work.

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The Charoen Art

Art connects cultures and inspires through collaboration and meaningful connections. At The Charoen AArt, we value authenticity through art that expresses real emotions and stories. We celebrate culture by embracing diversity, encourage creativity by exploring bold ideas, and honour legacy by respecting the past while shaping the future. Our focus on artistry values skill and originality, while inclusivity ensures every voice is welcome. Above all, we believe in creating art that leaves a lasting meaning.

Foto Creativa BA

FotoCreativaBA is an international space for training in Contemporary Photography and Combined Arts, created in 2010. It is aimed at photographers interested in expanding their knowledge and projects, as well as professionalizing their artistic practice.

Our commitment is to support artists throughout their processes of exploration, research, and production, up to the presentation and circulation of their works. This is achieved through the formation of specialized coordination teams, groups of contemporary artists, and close, personalized mentoring.

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Studio Baxton

Since 2014, Studio Baxton has aimed to preserve old and primitive photographic processes such as wet plate collodion, as well as the cameras more than a hundred years old that we use to take portraits.

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The Charoen Aart

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