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MAR. 23/07



MIE. 24/07


09.30 - 10.00   ACREDITACIONES


12.45 - 13.30   CONF. The Support is the Message: Printing on Alternative Materials with Francesco Amorosino, Emily Swift, Flora Fanzutti and Carola Etche  - SALA CAPMANY


10.00 - 14.00  TALLERES  

T1. Film Soup: Explorando Nuevos Mundos con Haluro de Clara - SALA 1.1
T2. The Fundamentals of Anthotypes with Malin Fabbri - SALA 2.1
T3. Light-painting con agua y fuego con Vitor Schietti - SALA 2.3

T4. Experimenting with photobooks/photozines with Stéphanie Probst - SALA 2.4
T5. Introduction to Mordançage: Silver Gelatin Prints with Ella Morton - SALA E3

T6. Chromoskedasic Painting and Silver Mirroring with Lexy Liangzi Xiao - LAB

T7. Using Photo Paper in Medium and Large Format Cameras with Gabriele Coassin - PLATÓ


14.00 - 15.00   PAUSA ALMUERZO


15.00 - 16.00   CONF La dinamización de las imágenes a través de prácticas archivísticas con Carla Helmbrecht - SALA CAPMANY

17.00 - 18.30   CONF. Sustainable photography - making it easier to make the right choices with Henri Blommers, Malin Fabbri  and Anne Eder - SALA CAPMANY


15.00 - 19.00  TALLERES 

HPR1. Horizontal Portfolio Review with Virginia Dal Magro, Dale Rio, Justin Quinnell (St. Paul's Community Darkroom, Bristol, Reino Unido), Esther Montoriol (Barcelona, España), Ivelin Penchev (RadLab Studio, Bulgaria), Stefan Dinu (Allkimik, Rumania), Emily Swift (Darkslide Film Lab, Estats Units) and Il Meccanico (Verona, Italia) - JOAN MARAGALL
T8. Papel Salado: la Corrosión de la Memoria con Camila Nahien - SALA 1.1
T9. Cyanotype at the Sea Shore with Kit Martin - SALA 2.1
T10. Transparencias con Polaroid con Estefania Brussa - SALA 2.2
T11. Digital Slitscan Explorations with Ralph Nevins SALA 2.3
T12. Emulsion Lifts with Polaroids with Bruna Valença - SALA 2.4
T13. Introducción a la Cianotipia Experimental con Maria Solaguren-Beascoa - SALA E3
T14. Liquid Emulsion on Paper with Francesco Amorosino - LAB
T15. Giant Collective Chemigram Sculpture with Flora Fanzutti - PLATÓ



                        + En el Centre Cívic Pati Llimona

                           EXPO . Talbot + Catalina de la Cruz + Shaina Gates + Andrea Petit + Imogen Hero + Constanza Solórzano + Hilde Maassen + Clara Rodriguez + Emma Backer + Laura Boronat + Edward Levinson

JUE. 25/07

DÍA 2 

09.30 - 10.00   ACREDITACIONES


10.00 - 11.00   CONF. In Absentia. The Art of the Cameraless Photograph with Geoffrey Batchen - SALA CAPMANY

11.00 - 11.45   CONF. IEFC-EXP International Experimentation Residence with Célica Veliz - SALA CAPMANY

12.00 - 12.45   CONF. Esculturas Impermanentes y Lumen-Print’o’Gramas con Vitor Schietti and Gal Wachs - SALA CAPMANY

12.45 - 13.30  CONF. Slit-scan Photography, from Film to Digital and Beyond with Ralph Nevins - SALA CAPMANY


10.00 - 14.00  TALLERES

HPR2. Horizontal Portfolio Review with Virginia Dal Magro, Dale Rio, Justin Quinnell (St. Paul's Community Darkroom, Bristol, Reino Unido), Esther Montoriol (Barcelona, España), Ivelin Penchev (RadLab Studio, Bulgaria), Stefan Dinu (Allkimik, Rumania), Emily Swift (Darkslide Film Lab, Estats Units) and Il Meccanico (Verona, Italia) - JOAN MARAGALL

T16. Experimental Alchemy: Film Soups and Other Interventions with Haluro de Clara (1/2) - SALA 1.1
T17. What does an Image Sound Like with Hilde Maassen - SALA 2.1
T18. In-Depth Collaborative Explorations of Anthotypes with Malin Fabbri (1/2) - SALA 2.2
T19. Chemical Alterations on Films and Landscapes Seeking with Flora Fanzutti (1/2) - SALA 2.3
T20. Pinhole Digital Movie Making. Hands-on Filmmaking Experience with Edward Levinson (1/2) - SALA 2.4
T21. Exploring Experimental Cyanotype with Maria Solaguren-Beascoa - SALA E3
T22. Exposure Masking. Merging Photograms & Photographs with Millee Tibbs - LAB
T23. El Revelado Orgánico como Proceso Creativo con Marc Rider - PLATÓ


14.00 - 15.00   PAUSA ALMUERZO


15.00 - 16.30   CONF. Fragility and Volatility: Experimental Processes in Extreme Landscapes with Ella Morton and Dale Rio - SALA CAPMANY

17.30 - 18.30   CONF. Fotografía Contaminante: Química Alternativa y Procesos Orgánicos con Kimberly Halyburton y Marc Rider -SALA CAPMANY


15.00 - 19.00 TALLERES

T16. Experimental Alchemy: Film Soups and Other Interventions with Haluro de Clara (2/2) - SALA 1.1
T18. In-Depth Collaborative Explorations of Anthotypes with Malin Fabbri (2/2) - SALA 2.2

T19. Chemical Alterations on Films and Landscapes Seeking with Flora Fanzutti (2/2) - SALA 2.3
T20. Pinhole Digital Movie Making. Hands-on Filmmaking Experience with Edward Levinson (2/2) - SALA 2.4

T24. Leporello: a story made of three-dimensional collages with Chiara Bruni - SALA 2.1
T25. Impresión Lumen Efímera con Negativos con Constanza Solórzano - SALA E3

T26. Photo-Sculptures: Liquid Emulsion on Different Materials with Francesco Amorosino (1/2) - LAB
T27. Quimigramas. Pintar la Plasticidad de la Imagen con Gal Wachs - PLATÓ



                     + En el IEFC (Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya)

                                     EXPO . Residency + Chiara Bruni + Jevgenija Frolova + Stéphanie Probst + Mont Carver + Jana Kießer + Ellen Carey + Anna Melnikova + Yuk Tsang Ng + Share or Dye Europe Wide

VIE. 26/07


09.30 - 10.00   ACREDITACIONES


10.00 - 11.30   CONF. Exposiciones con Viktor Kostenko, Haluro de Clara, Constanza Solórzano, Andrea Petit and Laura Boronat - SALA CAPMANY

12.00 - 13.30  CONF. Exhibitions with Stefan Dinu, Emma Backer, Yuk Tsang Ng, Hilde Maassen, Joshua Curry, Anna Melnikova, Edward Levinson,    Imogen Hero and Shaina Gates - SALA CAPMANY


10.00 - 14.00   TALLERES

HPR3. Horizontal Portfolio Review with Virginia Dal Magro, Dale Rio, Justin Quinnell (St. Paul's Community Darkroom, Bristol, Reino Unido), Esther Montoriol (Barcelona, España), Ivelin Penchev (RadLab Studio, Bulgaria), Stefan Dinu (Allkimik, Rumania), Emily Swift (Darkslide Film Lab, Estados Unidos) and Il Meccanico (Verona, Italia) - JOAN MARAGALL

T35. Copias por contacto -fotogramas caseros- a través de la Hectografía con Sofia Nercasseau - SALA 1.1

T28. CyanoLumen with Henri Blommers - SALA 2.1

T53. Photo Transfer on Different Supports with Carola Etche - SALA 2.2
T29. Advanced Slitscan: from Video to Stills with Ralph Nevins (1/2) - SALA 2.3
T30. Clorotipia: Puzzle de Hojas con Kimberly Halyburton - SALA 2.4
T26. Photo-Sculptures: Liquid Emulsion on Different Materials with Francesco Amorosino (2/2) - LAB
T31. Stunning Portraits with Garden Plants and Strange Lenses with Gabriele Coassin (1/2) - PLATÓ


13.30 - 15.00   PAUSA ALMUERZO


15.00 - 16.30   CONF. The Variety of the Pinhole Experience with Edward Levinson, Justin Quinnell and Stéphanie Probst - SALA CAPMANY

17.30 - 19.00   CONFBuscando lo imposible. Aproximaciones al origen de la fotografía a través de sus textos originales con Rebecca Mutell y Martí Llorens - SALA CAPMANY


15.00 - 19.00   TALLERES

T32. Doble Exposición y Collage en Polaroid con Estefania Brussa - JOAN MARAGALL

T33. Intervened Double Exposure with Jevgenija Frolova - SALA 1.1
T34. Finding. Collage with Lumen & Darkroom Photograms with Brenna Hansen - SALA 2.1

T54. Foto Transferencia en Diferentes Soportes con Carola Etche - SALA 2.2

T29. Advanced Slitscan: from Video to Stills with Ralph Nevins (2/2) - SALA 2.3

T36. Archivo en Movimiento: Estrategias Estéticas para Dinamizar Imágenes con Carla Helmbrecht- SALA 2.4
T37. Mordançage in Colour: Altering 4x5 Negatives with Ella Morton - SALA E3

T38. Colodion Húmedo y Fotografía Estenopeica con Célica Veliz - LAB
T39. All Art In. X-Ray Pinhole Opportunities with Tanja Upravitelev - PLATÓ




                     + En el Col·legi Major Penyafort-Montserrat


SÁB. 27/07


09.30 - 10.00   ACREDITACIONES


10.00 - 10.45   CONF. Libro Fotoquímico de Artista con Catalina De la Cruz - SALA CAPMANY

10.45 - 11.30  CONF. New Photobooks Presentation with Paula Mulatti, Stéphanie Probst and Sergei Stroitelev - SALA CAPMANY

12.00 - 13.30  CONFExperimentation and Feminism with Chiara Bruni, Jevgenija Frolova, Stéphanie Probst, Mont Carver and Jana Kießer - SALA CAPMANY


10.00 - 14.00  TALLERES

T40. CorresponEXcias. Espacio de Encuentro Poético y Fotográfico con Estefania Brussa + Llorenç Raich + Lorena B. Grabinski- JOAN MARAGALL

T41. Using all Senses. Multidisciplinary Approach in Photography with Karolina Gliniewicz - SALA 1.1

T42. Cianotipia en Soportes Alternativos con Kimberly Halyburton (1/2) - SALA 2.1

T43. Escanear un Recuerdo: Decodificar Imágenes a través de Resonancia Visuales con Carla Helmbrecht (1/2) - SALA 2.2

T44. Light-painting with Fire and Water with Vitor Schietti - SALA 2.3
T45. Mordançage on 16mm Film with Ella Morton - SALA 2.4

T46. Tricolor Cyanotype with Maria Solaguren-Beascoa (1/2) - SALA E3

T47. Alternative Silver Mirroring Toning with Lexy Liangzi Xiao (1/2) - LAB

T48. Wet Plate Collodion and Pinhole Photography with Célica Véliz - PLATÓ


13.30 - 15.00  PAUSA ALMUERZO


15.00 - 16.30   CONF. Presentación del libro Poéticas Dispersas II. Correspondencia con Estefania Brussa, Llorenç Raich and Lorena B. Grabinski - SALA CAPMANY

17.00 - 18.30   CONF. #Borradas, Historia de la Fotografía con Elena González Torres - SALA CAPMANY


15.00 - 19.00   TALLERES

HPR4. Horizontal Portfolio Review with Virginia Dal Magro, Dale Rio, Justin Quinnell (St. Paul's Community Darkroom, Bristol, Reino Unido), Esther Montoriol (Barcelona, España), Ivelin Penchev (RadLab Studio, Bulgaria), Stefan Dinu (Allkimik, Rumania), Emily Swift (Darkslide Film Lab, Estados Unidos) and Il Meccanico (Verona, Italia) - JOAN MARAGALL

T49. The Basics of Pinhole Digital Movie Making with Edward Levinson - SALA 2.2

T50. Bring Colour to Ambrotypes with Stefan Dinu - SALA 1.1

T42. Cianotipia en Soportes Alternativos con Kimberly Halyburton (2/2) - SALA 2.1
T43. Escanear un Recuerdo: Decodificar Imágenes a través de Resonancia Visuales con Carla Helmbrecht (2/2) -
SALA 2.2
T51. Photopolymer: Making Photographic Etchings with Hilde Maassen - SALA 2.3

T47. Alternative Silver Mirroring Toning with Lexy Liangzi Xiao (2/2) - SALA 2.4

T46. Tricolor Cyanotype with Maria Solaguren-Beascoa (2/2) - SALA E3

T31. Stunning Portraits with Garden Plants and Strange Lenses with Gabriele Coassin (2/2) - LAB

T52. Chemigrams. Making a 1/1 Darkroom Print with Emily Swift - PLATÓ


21.00 - 03.00   ¡COMIDA & FIESTA! 

                                  + En DIONISOS + DIOBAR

                                     Comida griega y fiesta mediterránea 

                                          con Dj Groucho + Comando Party

DOM. 28/07



Se puede participar de ambos en las dos horas.


Chemigrami - Origrams with Justin Quinnell

Giant Collective Playful Cyanotype with Maria Solaguren-Beascoa




19.00 - 23.00   PICNIC LIBRE EN LA PLAYA

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