Creación de Fotolibros
Catalina de la Cruz + Fruma Markowitz
A tener en cuenta:
+ El idioma del título indica el idioma del taller.
+ Para hacer talleres hay que ser participante del festival, regístrate aquí.
Foto Libro
Libro Fotoquímico en Van Dyke
8 Horas
Este Taller se propone como una experiencia de creación y producción en torno a la narrativa visual, por medio de la construcción de una obra fotográfica/química en formato Libro de Artista. Trabajaremos en base la emulsión fotográfica del siglo XIX Van Dyke desde un enfoque y trabajo experimental, enfatizando en la investigación foto/gráfica de los participantes desde sus propuestas de autor, en los elementos tanto técnicos como plásticos, narrativos y compositivos que interactúan en la construcción de un libro visual. Exploraremos diferentes sistemas de aplicación de la emulsión sobre el papel, en diversas composiciones, para lograr imagen por fotogramas directos, sudoraciones químicas de hierro y plata, copiado de positivos por contacto desde negativos escala 1:1, insertando textos y haciendo intervenciones sobre las páginas de los libros. Está dirigido a quienes estén interesados en profundizar sus conocimientos sobre técnicas gráficas y fotográficas análogas y/o libro, como soporte/obra, como también a aquellos que, sin tener conocimientos alguno de fotografía o encuadernación, se encuentren interesados en conocer y realizar este tipo de obra/objeto. La estructura general del Taller abarca desde la composición y narrativa visual, aplicación de emulsiones fotográficas y encuadernación con la técnica Drum Leaf, otorgando reglas de manipulación de los materiales y sistemas de trabajo.
Modulo 1: Laboratorio de Imagen
Introducción de la técnica Van Dyke
Preparación de la emulsión
Sensibilización de los papeles (páginas del libro)
Insolación con luz solar
Prensado de las imágenes en papel
Modulo 2: Narrativa y encuadernación
Plegado de las imágenes
Encuadernación con sistema de adhesivo Drum Leaf
Construcción de tapas
Los participantes deberán llevar negativos impresos en acetato o en su defecto deberán enviar a la producción del festival o la tallerista sus imágenes negativas tamaño media carta, para su impresión.
Foto Libro
From Trash to Treasure: Hand-made Photo Books
8 Horas
The main premise of this workshop is that photographers can use prints that they consider “failures” or “rejects” and upcycle them into beautiful, one-of-a-kind handmade photobooks. Participants will experience the joy and therapeutic process of folding, cutting, pasting and sewing what they thought were throw-aways, by thinking outside the box and experimenting with sequencing and visual narrative. The results are often surprising, delightful, and meaningful in a totally unexpected way. Session One will be devoted to learning several folding, glueing and stitching techniques for making artist books. We will create template prototypes for pamphlet, accordion, flag, and explosion books. We will also learn how to create hard covers for appropriate models and introduce basic bookmaking tools and descriptive vocabulary. We will discuss considerations when sequencing images, and what types of images work best with each hand-made book format. Participants will use regular copy paper to construct the prototypes and then, with help from the facilitator, choose the format that is most aligned with the kind of photographic images they have brought with them, and the story they want to tell. Discussion will also include the materials and tools that are important to making books. Participants will also view the work of artists who are accomplished photographic bookmakers. Session Two will give participants time to physically construct their books. They will build the actual book structure from higher quality paper supports, and add their own photographic images to create a personal visual narrative using the folding, sewing and gluing techniques they have just learned, that are appropriate to the chosen format and images. Time will be reserved at the end of session two for participants’ sharing their work and questions, and for facilitator comments and feedback.
First Part
Personal introductions and Introduction to hand-made books: contemporary artists and their amazing, inventive photobooks.
Show finished examples of each book format we will make, and talk about the materials used and concepts considered to make each.
Fold, paste and sew: Get ready to work, distribute paper and how-to diagrams pack.
Two kinds of accordion folds, simple and snake: watch demo, follow along to make a prototypes.
Flag book: watch and follow with demo, make a prototype.
Explosion book: watch and follow with demo, make a prototype.
Basic pamphlet sketch book: watch and follow with demo, make a prototype.
Making covers for accordion and explosion books: demo only.
Work on conceptualizing a sequence using photo prints from home, consider which of the 4 prototypes best suits the work, help from facilitator to choose one of them and begin to lay out sequence or pattern for practical construction.
Second Par
Quick review of Session 1 and open discussion of students’ thoughts and concepts for making a book, feedback from group and the Artist
Work session: Students use materials and tools to fold, sew, paste and otherwise construct the book structure and integrate images, facilitator help and feedback.
Participants need no prior knowledge about hand-made books.Participants must bring 10-20 original prints, sized 5 inches X 7 inches or larger, or high quality copies of original images that they feel okay about cutting and interfering with. Images do not all need to be from the same body of work, but should somehow be related, either by process, color, or subject matter. Participants should be encouraged to bring work they regard as failures and mistakes, as they will be upcycled or recycled to create something totally new and experimental. Pack all the stuff you’ve been hiding in a drawer and bring it to this workshop!Participants can also bring other materials they would like to incorporate into the books. Cloth and fabric, lace, paints, embroidery supplies, decorative paper for bookcovers. Good quality watercolor paper. I will be more specific about size and type as we get closer to the time when I need to send out the welcome letter, but this is necessary for all book formats except the Explosion book.